Thursday, November 20, 2008

November 20, 2008

Hi! I'm Kyle! I hope you enjoy visiting my blog. Have fun on your adventure!

This is me :) I am in 2nd grade and live in Connecticut.

I love to hike. This is a picture of me hiking on Sleeping Giant.

I also love to visit my Uncle Ryan and Aunt Kristen in NYC. This is a video of a man playing the dulcimer. We saw him in Central Park a few weekends ago and when my mom said, "Come on, let's go." I said, "No, can we please stay for one more song?"

These are my two cats, Potter and Milo. They are very nice. We rescued both of them from the same animal shelter (at different times). Milo came from the house of a lady who was found to have 94 cats in her house! No wonder Milo always looks slightly worried. Potter was found by the animal shelter folks with a big scar acrossed his forehead. They named him Potter after Harry Potter. Potter is very goofy!

This is Milo.

I guess Potter doesn't want his picture taken right now......

This is me and Potter. We are good friends. At bedtime he always joins us for the nightly reading of "Harry Potter" in my mom's bed.


Anonymous said...

Love the picture of you and Potter Kyle!

Unknown said...

You have a wonderful Blog Kyle...can't wait to see more.

Uncle Rich and Aunt Kimberly said...

Great pictures! Aunt Kimberly and I cannot wait to see more pictures of you and your adventures. We love and miss you.